Cooking and Depression

By pradeep - June 21, 2018

Taking steps to slow down rewards

Source: Photo from flickr creative commons.

Jeanne Whalen at The Wall Street Journal has published a nice article that makes me think there really is something to the idea that we sometimes need what we don't think we want. She writes about a treament center for depression and mental illness finding success in, among the other more standard therapies, teaching afflicted teens to cook. Read it here. 
From the article:
"Cooking and baking are pursuits that fit a type of therapy known as behavioral activation. The goal is to alleviate depression by boosting positive activity, increasing goal-oriented behavior and curbing procrastination and passivity.
If the activity is defined as personally rewarding or giving a sense of accomplishment or pleasure, or even seeing the pleasure of that pumpkin bread with chocolate chips making someone else happy, then it could improve a sense of well-being,” says Jacqueline Gollan, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago."
And more from the article: 
"Clinical studies on cooking’s therapeutic effects are hard to come by. But occupational therapists say cooking classes are particularly widely used in their profession, which seeks to help people with mental or physical disorders maintain their daily living and working skills.
In one study published in the British Journal of Occupational Therapy in 2004, researchers in the U.K. found that baking classes boosted confidence, increased concentration and provided a sense of achievement for 12 patients being treated in inpatient mental-healthclinics."
Cutting tomatoes might not "do it" for everyone, but, for some of us, that could be part of the problem. A problem that cutting tomatoes might actually help solve. 

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