
Third Eye – 6 Easy Exercises to Open

By pradeep - June 08, 2018

Image result for third eye

What is the Third Eye?

The third eye is the 6th chakra and is the Center for clairvoyance or “clear seeing” (psychic seeing, “mind’s eye”).
Basically, it’s where you see visions, images or symbols. If you’ve ever felt like there’s a teeny TV inside your head, that’s your third eye.
It’s located between your eyebrows, just a bit above the bridge of your nose.
Go ahead and put your finger on it. I know you wanna :)
All of the chakras are powerful and important, but if you want to open your psychic eye, this chakra is a great one to open and keep balanced.
Your psychic eye will help you:
  • Sense higher energies (Spirits, angels, etc.)
  • See auras
  • Connect with your Spirit Guides
  • See psychic symbols, visions, and images

Third Eye and the Pineal Gland

In order to be an amazing clairvoyant, you do not need to know all the ins and outs of the pineal gland and how it correlates to psychic development.  We’ll just touch on it briefly for those of you who are interested (if you find this part boring, just scroll down to the exercises).
The third eye corresponds to the pineal gland where our body creates the all-important melatonin needed to regulate our sleep and circadian rhythms.
The pineal gland’s power, and therefore the third eyes’ power, was recognized as early as the 1600’s.
This is when the famous philosopher Descartes claimed that the pineal gland is the “principal seat of the soul.”
The guy was onto something, for sure!
Let’s get to the good stuff now and chat about different ways to access your intuitive abilities via your psychic eye.

How to Open the Third Eye

One thing I love about psychic ability is that there’s more than one way to do everything.
It’s like getting your hands on a chocolate chip cookie…
You can bake them from scratch…
Or get one at the bakery.
You can do what I do my husband does and buy pre-made dough, then bake them at home.
All roads lead to cookies. It’s the same with opening your psychic eye.
There are several techniques here. Try one, try them all… try a combination.
Keep trying until you find YOUR cookie, you know?

Third Eye Exercises

First, during any of these exercises, you may start to notice a tingling sensation, which is a great sign that your third eye is opening.
Don’t worry if the sensation gets stronger each time you practice – that means it’s working.
Second, you might be amazed how quickly it is for you to start experiencing exciting connections with spirits and energies – or you might find it hard to see with your mind’s eye at first.  If so, don’t worry.
Everyone can do this. Some people just need a little more practice, but don’t give up!

1. Touch Your Third Eye

Level: Easy
Yes I do know that touching your third eye sounds weird, but stick with me.
You know how Beyoncé sings “If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it...”
Your third eye is like those commitment-phobia guys she’s singing about.
If you “like it” and want to use it, then you should let it know. It’s about setting the intention.
Take your index finger and gently place it on your third eye. At this point you can:
  • Gently hold your finger on your third eye and imagine it activating.
  • Lightly move your finger in a circular motion while imagining this chakra opening.
  • Lightly tap the area and imagine “activating” it.
Maybe if Beyoncé had told that guy she wanted a ring he would have given her one… maybe he needed to be made aware, IDK.
The point is, be aware of your mind’s eye. 
Tip: I don’t recommend doing these exercises while you are in an Uber because the driver might think you’re a weirdo.

2. Use Essential Oils

Level: Easy 
Essential oils have so many unbelievable benefits, including helping to open, cleanse and balance the chakras.
I personally LOVE essential oils and have a drawer full of them.
It’s easy to find ways to integrate essential oils into your life. They are not only healthy for your chakras, they also smell amazing!
Take a whiff of some Myrrh, Sandalwood and Chamomile or a nice combination of them, to open and maintain a healthy third eye.
You can also place a tiny amount of the oil on your third eye area (just make sure you use a carrier oil so you don’t get a rash and for the love of Pete, don’t get it in your eyes).  I do this all the time with various oils and it’s sooooo calming!

3. Breathe Mindfully

Level: Easy
Most of us have a bad habit of breathing shallowly, like using only the top 1/3 of our lungs!
That’s like watching an episode of The Walking Dead and shutting it off before the end. So bad!
Shallow breathing creates stress in the body and doesn’t allow it to be oxygenized the way it needs to be.
Breathing deeply from the belly is a way to open and maintain healthy chakras, including, you guessed it, the third eye.
How are you breathing right now? Is your belly expanding? It should be.
Tip: Check in with your breath periodically throughout the day. Breathing properly is important in spiritual work, and your mind and body will thank you for this healthy habit!

4. Meditate

Level: Easy
I knew you were just waiting for me to add this one, so I put it lower on the list. ☺ All meditation is beneficial, but there are a few that are especially fantastic for opening the third eye.
You only need to do one of these for a few minutes a day to start noticing a difference:
  • Color Meditation
Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few moments until you start to feel relaxed. Now imagine a deep blue or purple ball of energy on your forehead, right in between your eyebrows. Hold this colored ball image in your mind’s eye for a few moments.
  • Clairvoyance Meditation
This meditation works wonderfully, but I don’t recommend you try it until you start feeling the “tingles” using one of the other exercises. You can totally try it, but if it’s hard for you to visualize, this might frustrate you at this point – and we are looking for FUN not frustration.
Relax your mind and body by breathing deeply and evenly for a few minutes.
When you are ready, imagine the number 1 in your mind’s eye. Hold it there for a few seconds.
Once that feels comfortable, imagine the number 2.
Continue on for as long as your concentration holds, until you reach the number 10.
When you can easily see numbers (or get bored with them), try imagining other things, like flowers, letters or the many hairstyles of Brad Pitt.
It really doesn’t matter what you visualize—the outcome is the same…an opened third eye!
  • Crystal Meditation
I experienced this when I was working with my nice-in-law (an energy healer) and it knocked my socks off!
Simply get a smallish piece of amethyst that will comfortably lie on your forehead.
Lie down and meditate while it’s setting on your third eye.
You can even do a combination of one of the other two meditations above with the amethyst placed on your forehead!

5. Do Yoga

Level: Advanced
Yoga has been traditionally used to keep all of the body’s energy centers clean, clear and working at top performance. So of course, I have to add in some of the top yoga postures, or asanas, to use when you are learning how to open the third eye.
They are all fairly easy to do and can be practiced by beginners.
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Standing Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana)
Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
Hero (Virasana)
If you aren’t sure how to do these poses, there are tons of You Tube videos available to see exactly how. Just Google the poses and you’ll be set!

6. Practice Seeing Auras

Level: Intermediate 
Because seeing auras is a visual experience, learning to see them is a cool way to open your third eye.
If you’ve never worked with auras before, this post will teach you how to see your own aura in about five minutes!

Third Eye Opening Takeaways

Learning how to open the third eye is an important part of your psychic development, but remember, there are more than one way to “get your hands on a cookie.”
Play and have fun trying different combinations of techniques:
Use some essential oils while doing yoga asanas or meditating.
Wear amethyst jewelry instead of putting it on your forehead. You’ll still get the benefit of it’s healing powers! When you have a few moments, close your eyes and imagine the jewelry on your third eye.
Just a few minutes daily with one of these techniques will move you closer to recognizing your psychic gifts!

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