characters from Indian/Hindu scriptures of different colours and ethnicities

By pradeep - February 24, 2019

A list of some of the characters from Indian/Hindu scriptures of different colours and ethnicities:
1. Draupadi
2. Arjuna
3. Krishna
4. Vyasa
5. Drona
6. Yama
7. Nakula
8. Rama
9. Bharata
10. Kala
11. Kali
12. Kanva
13. Brihaspati
14. Vishnu
15. Krodha
16. Mrityu
17. Varuna
18. Ravana, Indrajit, Kumbhakarna, Ghatotkacha - Most Rakshasas are black/dark skinned excepting a few, so I am not going to list all of them.
Blonde haired:
1. Indra
2. Surya
3. Varuna(some texts say otherwise)
4. Nirrti (but she has black skin)
5. Kapila
6. Rudra
7. Hiranyakashipu
8. Hiranyaksha
9. Virochana
10. Most Daityas are fair skinned and some have blonde hair.
11. Most Danavas are white/pale skinned with red/brown/white/blonde hair. They may be related to the Irish. 

Fair-skinned black/brown haired
1. Yuddhishthira
2. Bhima
3. Balarama
4. Rudra/Shiva(as per some verses)
5. Karna
6. Duryodhana
7. Duhshasana(he also has golden/hazel eyes)
8. Lakshmana
9. Seeta
Standard brown(since nothing specific has been written about them)
1. Bhishma
2. Jarasandha
3. Sahadeva
4. Satyaki
5. Kunti
6. Kaikeyi
7. Vasishtha
8. Bharadvaja
9. Kripa

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