~ Psychological love facts you never heard of them~

By pradeep - June 04, 2019

  1. A strong sense of humor is generally associated with intelligence and honesty.  This is why most women are attracted to men who possess a strong sense of humor.
  2. If you hold hands with someone you love, this can help to alleviate physical pain as well as any feelings of stress and fear.
  3. Studies have shown that happiness is contagious.  It can be hard for people to walk away from someone who is happy, or not love someone who is happy simply because they are so enjoyable to be around.
  4. Women felt that men became more attractive if they saw other women smiling at them.
  5. People are most likely to break up once they have hit the three to five month period in their relationships.
  6. Men who possess deeper voices are more likely to appear attractive or make an impression on women than men who possess higher voices.
  7. According to some psychologist, human beings are not capable of being “just friends” with members of the opposite sex.
  8. Couples or partners who are similar to each other are not likely to last in romantic relationships.  Although opposites attract, couples that are either too similar or too different are not likely to last very long.  According to researchers, there always have to be a strong foundation for similarities, as well as things that both individuals can learn from each other.
  9. Heartbreak is real.  Research has shown that intense or traumatic events, such as break ups, divorce, physical distance, or the loss of a loved one can contribute to real physical pain in a person’s heart.  This is an actual condition known as the Broken Heart Syndrome. Broken Heart Syndrome occurs when deep emotional triggers cause distress in the brain and significantly weaken a person’s heart, causing such symptoms as chest pain or shortness of breath.  This tends to affect women more than men, and can easily be misdiagnosed as a heart attack.
  10. Falling in love is known to pact the same neurological effects as cocaine.  Both falling in love and taking a dose of cocaine will give your brain similar feelings and sensation of euphoria.  Falling in love produces several euphoria-inducing chemicals in your body that will stimulate about 12 areas of an individual’s brain
  11. The expression “keep your loved ones close” can have an even greater meaning, as one of the greatest predictors of love is proximity or physical closeness.  Being close to another individual can contribute to increased emotion and feelings of want and desire.

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