Activate Your Endocannabinoid System with these 6 approaches

By pradeep - August 16, 2019

Well, your endocannabinoid system (ECS) is made up of a group of compounds known as cannabinoids – including the receptors they bind to – and are found in vital organs like your brain, lungs, heart and glands.
In fact, ECS affects important biological processes like …
  • How you react to things during the day
  • Sleep patterns, and
  • Memory
Natural Sources
Just like you take a multi-vitamin and eat foods rich in minerals, you may need to supplement the ECS and here are 7 fascinating ways to do just that. Some of them you’ve heard about and some you’ve done as a matter of course to stay healthy and vibrant. But others? They might surprise you.
Here they are.
This isn't going to shock anyone: Some kind of movement every day can help keep you healthy and feeling good. Exercise can be in the form of yoga, walking or swimming. Here's something fascinating about that famed and fabled "runner's high" that you've heard about: There are some studies out there disproving the source of an endorphin rush. Instead there is evidence suggesting that the high is a result of a bump up in endocannabinoids in your system.
Get a Massage
Osteopathic manipulation has been found to rev up the endocannabinoids in your body. This type of manipulation is the same thing you find in massage. An osteopath will give you treatment - also known as OMT - on your muscles and joints which includes pressure, resistance and stretching.
If you love cold water fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel, then you're doing your ECS proud by amping up the Omega-3 fatty acids in your body. While fish and fish oil are great sources of Omega-3s, if you're vegetarian that could be a problem. So, what can you do? Hemp seeds and organic hemp seed oil are great sources of fatty acids. 
Boot the Extra Booze
No, you don't have to give up the enjoyment of a glass of wine at dinner just don't decide to finish the bottle. What's wrong with that? If you're celebrating and that action is rare, no sweat. But excess alcohol can inhibit and even deaden the signaling you need from your ECS receptors.
Greens Rock!
Yes, this isn’t news to you but here is something that might be: Not only do leafy greens contain beta-caryophyllene, studies have also found that they activate the CB2 endocannabinoid receptor which may be key for defeating autoimmune disorders and conditions that flare up because of excess inflammation.
Get Some Echinacea
This herb contains phytocannabinoids and can help boost your immune system by providing something called alkylamides which are compounds that have been proven to have high bioavailability which helps your body absorb nutrients.
Good health is found not only in the food you eat and the activities you participate in. It’s also found in your endocannabinoid system.

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