Android vs. iOS Users: Do They have different personalities?

By pradeep - April 01, 2020

Smartphones are becoming small extensions of us and send messages about who we are to those around us.

Android and iOS devices combined make up over 97% of the mobile OS market share. And as of August 2017, Android takes up almost exactly two thirds (64%) of those!

Because of its broad price range and a lower entry-level price point, Android has the largest global share in lower income areas and developing nations. It holds an advantage over Apple in emerging markets such as Asia and Africa.

Apple, however, dominates the profit share despite Google’s global dominance of market share because the average iOS user is more active that the average Android user.

The study was a collaborative effort between the University of Lincoln, Lancaster University, and the University of Hertfordshire, all in the United Kingdom.
The study asked 500 participants to answer a set of questions about themselves and their attitude toward their smartphone.
The comparison showed that iPhone users are more than twice as likely to be female.
Additionally, iPhone users are more concerned about viewing their iPhone as a status object than their Android counterparts, and increasingly so. However, they are less concerned with owning devices that are preferred by most people.

The study noted key differences in personality, with iPhone users showing lower levels of honesty and humility, and higher levels of emotionality.
iPhone users were also more extroverted than Android users.
In contrast, Android users were more likely to be male, older, and less interested in wealth and social status. Among key personality differences to iPhone users, those with Android devices displayed more honesty and agreeability.
They were also less likely to break rules for personal gain.
The findings have been published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking.
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