Common Indian Rituals for our holistic wellbeing.

By pradeep - February 16, 2024


What is the significance of Navratri? Why are people advised to observe fasts?

- Why is the Peepal tree worshipped by Indians? - Why is it said that Ghosts reside on the Peepal tree at night? - Why is the Tulsi plant considered sacred in Indian culture?
- Is there any basis for the makeup worn by Indian women apart from its aesthetic appeal? You will be amazed at how thoughtful our ancestors were.
- Why do Indian women wear gold jewelry? is there any health aspect to it?
- The various rings worn by Indian women on the nose, ears, and even toe have a deeper significance apart from outside beauty.
- Why do Indian women apply Mehndi (henna) on hands and feet?
- What is the significance of the Indian Pooja rituals?
- Why are people advised to walk barefoot in temples?

- What is the significance of blowing shankh (conch shell)?
- Why is Yagna performed?
yagna purify the surrounding air which frees from anti-bacterial/poisonous gas

- Why is coconut broken at the beginning of a new venture or in front of a deity?
- What is the reason behind using Lotus flower and leaf in Pooja?
- Why is camphor used in Poojas?
- Why is it said that if you sleep keeping the head to the north, you will get scary dreams?

The myth is that it invites ghosts or death but science says that it is because the human body has its own magnetic field (Also known as hearts magnetic field, because of the flow of blood) and Earth is a giant magnet. When we sleep with our head towards the north, our body’s magnetic field becomes completely asymmetrical to the Earth’s Magnetic field. That causes problems related to blood pressure and our heart needs to work harder in order to overcome this asymmetry of Magnetic fields. Apart from this, another reason is that Our body has a significant amount of iron in our blood. When we sleep in this position, iron from the whole body starts to congregate in the brain. This can cause headaches, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cognitive Decline, Parkinson's disease, and brain degeneration.
- What is the significance of sitting on the floor & having a meal?

This tradition is not just about sitting on the floor and eating, it is regarding sitting in the “Sukhasan” position and then eating. Sukosan is the position we normally use for Yoga asanas. When you sit on the floor, you usually sit cross-legged – In sukhasana or a half padmasana  (half lotus), which are poses that instantly bring a sense of calm and help indigestion, it is believed to automatically trigger the signals to your brain to prepare the stomach for digestion.
- Why an Indian meal start with spicy foods and end with a sweet?

Our Ancestors Have Stressed On The Fact That Our Meals Should Be Started Off With Something Spicy And Sweet Dishes Should Be Taken Towards The End. The Significance Of This Eating Practice Is That While Spicy Things Activate The Digestive Juices And Acids And Ensure That The Digestion Process Goes On Smoothly And Efficiently, Sweets Or Carbohydrates Pulls Down The Digestive Process. Hence, Sweets Were Always Recommended To Be Taken As A Last Item.

In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms – termed as “Namaskar.” The general reason behind this tradition is that greeting by joining both the palms means respect. However, scientifically speaking, joining both hands ensures joining the tips of all the fingers together; which are denoted to the pressure points of eyes, ears, and mind. Pressing them together is said to activate the pressure points which helps us remember that person for a long time. And, no germs since we don’t make any physical contact!

The real problem is parents never tell us the logic behind these rituals and we ultimately disbelieve them. If parents told us( if parents knew) the logic, then we would also believe these rituals

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