Most common Dreams and their meanings a/c to psychology

By pradeep - July 26, 2019

The Dream Where You’re Being Chased By Someone Or Something: 

Despite the nightmarish feel of this dream, Wallace considers it a positive sign. He believes that this dream is supposed to encourage the dreamer to finally face a problem that has been hanging over his or her head. Loewenberg encounters this dream more often in women than men.

The Falling Dream

 These dreams signify anxiety and a loss of control in your waking life. According to Dream Dictionary, the falling dream happens the most frequently out of all the dreams we experience throughout our lifetime. It’s believed to be a sign that something in your life is spiralling out of control, whether that’s your job, your finances, your marriage or relationship.

The Naked Dream

A dream of being naked (particularly before a group of peers) is a sign of insecurity, humiliation, shame or feelings of vulnerability. Some psychiatrists are of the view that dreaming of ourselves nude may be a message to become liberated, get a taste of true freedom and break out of the ties that keep us chained.

The Dream about Failing Your Exams

 If you are a student then obviously these dreams are a part of the exams related anxiety. But, if you have graduated many - many years ago and still having the dream/nightmare of being back in college and worrying that you are going to fail in this particular exam. Then, usually, these types of dreams relate to your job. When you were in college, school was your main occupation, so dreams about failing out of school can usually be traced back to your fear that something bad is going to happen at work.

The Dream Where You Think You Woke Up But You Didn’t

It is one of the common dreams which often occur in the morning hours when you’re nearly awake but not quite. In this dream you think you’ve woken up and you start going about your daily routine: brushing your teeth, checking your phone, getting dressed for work, eating your breakfast, etc. These dreams usually happen when you’re extremely worried about the upcoming day and you want to be fully prepared to face the challenge.

The snake dream

To see a snake chasing you or be bitten by one in your dream signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. Alternatively, the snake may be seen as phallic and thus symbolize temptation, dangerous and forbidden sexuality. To make the matter a bit confusing, some communities take the snake as a positive symbol, representing healing, knowledge and wisdom. Take your pick!

The Flying Dreams

 Most flying dreams are pleasant, happy, and exciting. These are usually ‘lucid dreams’, which means that you’re aware of the fact that you’re dreaming. You probably don’t have to look into this one too much. Just take hold of the plot and enjoy the exhilaration of living up a story written and directed by you!

The Dream Where You Can’t Run

 No matter how hard you try, you can’t run! Your life depends on running but somehow you are either running in slow motion, or it feels like you’re trying to run through an invisible barrier and failing. This dream is said to occur when you’re suffering from low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence, or when you’re going through a current situation in which you feel powerless!

The dream of the dead

Lawrence’s interpretation is that this dream “reveals the wish to terminate something in life: a relationship, a job, a career path, or even the past.” Grant’s dictionary emphasizes that this dream is not necessarily a nightmare. Rather, he repeatedly states that it is a dream meant to encourage a person to embark on a new endeavor or fresh start.

The dream of a Murder

To dream that you have committed a murder usually is a subconscious expression of some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at someone. To dream that you witness a murder indicates deep-seated anger towards somebody. To dream that you are murdered suggests that some important and significant relationship has been severed. You are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions.

 Teeth falling out

The experts greatly disagree on this one. Wallace views teeth as a symbol of power and confidence. This dream is supposedly a sign that something happened in the dreamer’s life that has caused him or her to lose confidence. According to Grant, teeth are a bad omen and represent a broken relationship. Lawrence has a Freudian answer to this dream. For women, she believes the dream is an example of wish-fulfillment—they want to become pregnant. For men, it is a desire for sexual stimulation.

 Meeting a celebrity

Wallace names this as one of the dreams his clients have the most. He believes the actual celebrity is relevant and may reveal what talents the dreamer values. In Dream on It, Loewenberg writes that celebrities are a symbol of a personal need for recognition.

Showing up late to something 

This dream might be a sign that someone is overwhelmed and doing too much, according to Wallace. On a related note, Grant interprets this lateness as a warning: “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

Being pregnant

Grant understands this dream as a sign that the dreamer is having problems. Lawrence views it as a need, either to start a creative project or become a parent. Or the dream may be representative of a new idea that has recently come to the person, as Loewenberg believes.


Driving an out-of-control vehicle

The interpretations of this dream are just as cliché as expected. For example, Wallace writes, “You may feel that you don’t have enough control on your road to success.” Grant warns that this is a sign that a current bad habit may become a long-term problem.

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