Ideal time for an afternoon coffee

By pradeep - July 26, 2019

According to articles online, 3pm being the most popular here is consistent with our internal cortisol regulation.

The best time to drink coffee is when cortisol levels drop and that's between its release times during the day:

*Average person (rising around 6:30 a.m.), cortisol levels peak at:

- 8 to 9 a.m.,
- 12 to 1 p.m.,
- 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

And so neuroscientists say the most effective morning caffeine intake is between *9:30 and 11:30 AM*

Which means the optimal afternoon coffee is likely right in-between the afternoon cortisol dip *(~3pm)*

*For early birds (rising at 4 a.m.), minus 3 hours to numbers.

*For night owls (rising at 10 a.m.), add 3 hours to numbers.

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