Ancient Technology and Modern Technology

By pradeep - May 06, 2020

First of all, if you want to explain Modern Technology to Ancient people as well as Ancient Technology to Modern people, both are difficult.
Both of them are not going to believe each other Technologies.

  • Brahmastra Ancient Technology.
Brahmastra kills a lot of people as well as Atom Bomb.
You need some Mantras to invoke Bramastra.
You need some password to activate Atom bomb.

  • Sanjaya and Dhiritharastra.
Sanjaya explained Drithirastra about everything happened in Mahabarata war.
Nowadays we call it live telecast.

  • Sex Reassuring surgery
Shikandi changed her gender from female to male. Nowadays people changing gender using sex reassuring surgery.

  • Test tube baby.
Kauravas birth similar to Test tube baby.

  • Viswaroopam Dharisanam.
Advanced optical Technology used to see Viswaroopam Dharisanam.

  • Advanced Organ Transplant.
Lord Ganesha head was replaced as Elephant head by Lord Shiva.

  • Aero-science.
Pushpakavimanam similar to Aeroplane.

  • Bridge between sea.
Rama Sethu bridge similar to the modern bridge (bridge in China)

  • Cloning technology.
Birth of Lav and Kush. Cloning technology is used by Valmiki.


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