Sanskrit (mother of all languages) will take over all computer programming languages in future.

By pradeep - August 01, 2020

Well, Today most of the Indian languages have descended from the Proto-Indo-European languages.

Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in the history of mankind and, most clearly, one of the toughest existing, even though only one village in the entire world speaks this language, it has the clearest pronunciation. Below listed are some amazingly fantastic facts about the Sanskrit:-

1. Less talk more work!

Out of all languages, only Sanskrit has the power to say something using the minimum amount of words.

2. The Language of Computers!

According to research, Sanskrit is one of the most suitable languages for computers. It is considered to be very efficient in making algorithms. In a report given by a NASA scientist, it is said that the USA is creating the 6th and 7th generation Super Computers based on the Sanskrit language. The Project deadlines are 2025 and 2034 for 6th and 7th generation computers respectively.

source:, image: Pandit Raghunath Murmu Smriti Mahavidyalaya

3. From Past to Future!

A total of 17 countries including the US have Universities that are dedicated completely to Sanskrit and their sole purpose is research on the subject. There is a separate department in NASA as well to conduct research on the language of Sanskrit. With all that research, Sanskrit might really be the future.
source: ScoopWhoop, image:

4. A Treasure of synonyms!

There are numerous synonyms for each word in the language of Sanskrit. For instance, a simple word like the elephant has about a hundred synonyms. English has only one word for love, Sanskrit has 96.
source: ScoopWhoop

5. Phonetically accurate!

Sanskrit is perhaps the most accurate language phonetically and otherwise. It makes use of 49 types of sounds that make pronunciations of different kinds of words very distinct.
source: Wikipedia

6.The only unambiguous language!

According to NASA, Sanskrit is the only unambiguous language in the world meaning it is the only language that is not open to more than one interpretation of something.

7. Improves brain functionality!

Research suggests that the learning of Sanskrit improves brain functioning. Students improve academically; they get better marks in subjects like Mathematics and Science which some people find difficult. It is because Sanskrit enhances memory power. James Junior School in London has made Sanskrit compulsory. Students of this school are among the toppers in various fields and worldwide exams year after year. Some schools in Ireland also have made Sanskrit compulsory

8.National Language of India!

Before the invasion of the Arabs, Sanskrit was the national language of the Indian Subcontinent.
source: ScoopWhoop

9. A language of multiple religions!

Three world religions- Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism have adopted Sanskrit as their scholarly language.
source: Amazing Facts 4 u -, image: 新华网_让新闻离你更近

10.k World’s oldest text is in Sanskrit!

The Vedas (written in the Sanskrit language) are among the world’s oldest written texts.

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